Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet - the most popular diet of people across Europe and America. Based on the Kremlin diet created the most popular diet west - Atkins and Agatston. Kremlin diet was first used in 2001 by the developers themselves, and when it brought the effect of. It was printed in all the Russian media.
The developers were under the supervision of a doctor. It should be noted that the Kremlin diet – it’s low carb diet. If you reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the body that affect the activity of the person, it begins to burn fat stores. This diet is fairly well-fed. It has a minor flaw, the Kremlin diet should be followed under the supervision of doctors. It is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver and heart. It is advisable to consult with your doctor. Kremlin diet advises abandon flour, sweet and savory products.

How to start?
Before sitting down to any diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor - maybe you have contraindications for such a diet. Be sure to turn in tests the knowledge of the content of sugar in the blood, <bad "and" good> cholesterol and triglycerides. And a few months later compare the results with repeated analysis. In no case do not become a fan of weight loss and do not cut the number of units to a minimum - the body must receive all necessary. Do not seek to have only low-calorie foods - combine them with high-energy, but useful. Do not stop entirely on vegetables, fruits - otherwise you will not have enough vitamins.

Recipe of Kremlin diet. What is that diet?
You can eat meat, fish and cheese, vegetables with a small amount of carbohydrates and other foods with "low cost". In the table, each product is rated in "c. u."- Conventional unit, depending on how much of this product contains carbohydrates.

What to do?
At first, avoid sugary, flour, potato dishes, bread, rice. At the beginning you have to forget about vegetables, fruits, juices that contain a lot of carbohydrates. Most importantly - do not sweeten. Sugar, even one piece, swallow your daily diet.

What could you eat?
Meat, fish, cheese, vegetables with a small amount of carbohydrates and other foods with "low cost" - see table. In it, each product is rated with points, or "c.u." - Conventional unit, depending on how much of this product contains carbohydrates.

Why should you lose weight?

This phenomenon has the scientific explanation. When sharply limited intake of carbohydrates - a source of energy, your organism quickly begins to process the accumulated fat reserves. Therefore, the diet refers to the category of low-carb.

How to score points?
For weight loss - up to 40 c.u. per the day.
To save weight - from 40 to 60 c.u.
Weight gain occurs when a set of more than 60 c.u.
By the help of diet to 40 c.u. you can lose 5.5 kg per 8 days.

Who has to avoid this diet?
To all those who have chronic diseases, especially heart, blood vessels, stomach, it is necessary to align your new menu with your doctor. Whom exactly is not recommended to sit on the Kremlin diet, it's people with kidney disease and pregnant women.
For the rest, no harm will be to consult a dietician.

1 example:


Two boiled eggs dressing mayonnaise -2 cu
2 ounces of cheese (any kind) - 1 - 1.5cu
a cup of tea without sugar -0cu


Boiled meat (any kind) -0cu
2 slices of bread (50 gramms = 18 - 21 c.u.)
Salad 12-14cu
A cup of tea without sugar -0 cu


2 ounces of nuts - 7-9 cu (any kind)
3 ounces of fish (boiled of fried) - 1 - 2 cu
A cup of tea without sugar - 0cu


2 example:


cheese, 100 g - 1cu 
fried eggs from two eggs with ham - 1cu
coffee or tea without sugar - 0cu


vegetable salad with mushrooms, 150 g - 6cu 
celery soup, 250g - 8cu 
steak - 0cu
tea without sugar - 0cu 


walnuts, 50 g - 6cu


Tomato medium – 6cu 
boiled chicken, 200 g - 0cu
Total: 28 cu


3 example:


3 boiled sausages - 0 cu 
eggplant roasted, 100 g -5 cu
tea without sugar - 0 cu


salad with cabbage and butter, 100 g - 5 cu 
processed cheese soup with vegetables, 250 g - 6 cu
pork lean chop, 100 g - 0 cu
coffee without sugar - 0 cu


10 black olives - 2 cu


medium tomato - 6 cu, boiled fish, 200 g - 0 cu, a cup of kefir - 6 cu
Total: 36 cu

Table: Kremlin diet

Food item c.u per 100g Food item c.u per 100g
Meat Fruit
Bacon 0 Apple 9,5
Bacon, Canadian 0 Apricot 10
Bluefish 1 Avocado 16
Bologna 1 Banana 19
Chicken breast 0 Blueberries 7
Chicken breast, battered 0 Cherries 6,5
Chicken leg 0 Grapefruit 6,5
Chicken leg, battered 0 Grapes, green 5
Chicken liver 0 Kiwi 10
Chicken pot pie 15 Mango 9
Chicken salad 5-8 Nectarine 9,5
Clams 0 Orange 7,5
Cod fish cakes 16 Papaya 7,5
Corned beef 0 Peach 9,5
Crab meat 0 Pear 9,5
Duck. roast 0 Pineapple 6,5
Filet mignon 1 Plum 9
Frankfurter 2 Prunes 58
Ground beef 0 Raisins 66
Ham, Virginia 1 Raspberries 8
Lamb chop 0 Strawberries 7
Leg of lamb 0 Tangerine 8
Liver, broiled 0 Watermelon 12
Lobster meat 1 Food item c.u per 100g
Pork chop 1 Vegetables
Pork sausage 1 Beets 7
Roast beef 0 Beet greens 8
Salami 0 Broccoli 5
Salmon, baked 0 Cabbage, raw 6
Salmon, smoked 2 Carrot 7
Scallops 1 Cauliflower, raw 6
Shrimp 3 Celery 6
Sirloin steak 1 Collard greens 7
Tuna, in oil 2 Corn, on cob 4
Tuna, in water 2 Corn, kernels 6
Tuna salad 14 Cucumber 7
Turkey, dark meat 0 Dandelion 6
Turkey, white meat 0 Eggplant 7
Veal chop 0 Endive/Escarole 5
Food item c.u per portion Green beans 7
Dairy, Eggs Kale, raw 5
Cheese any kind 4 ounce= 0,5 -2 Leeks 6,5
Cheese cottage 4 ounces= 1 Lettuce, head 7
Cheese, cottage, skim 4 ounces= 1 Lettuce, romaine 8
Cream, coffee 1 tablespoon= 1 Mushrooms 1
Cream, half & half 1 tablespoon= 2 Okra 1
Cream, heavywhip 1 tablespoon= 2 Onions, green 3,5
Cream, lightwhip 1 tablespoon= 2 Onions, white, raw 8
Cream, sour 1 tablespoon= 2 Peas 3
Egg 1 large= 0,5 Pepper, sweet green 8
Egg white 1 large= 0 Pepper, sweet red 8
Egg yolk 1 large= 0,5 Potato baked 23
Milk, buttermilk 1 cup= 5 Potato chips 21
Milk, skim 1 cup= 3,5 Potato, french fried 26
Milk, whole 1 cup= 4,5 Potato, mashed 23
Omelet, cheese 2 eggs= 4 Potato salad 17
Yogurt without sugar 1 cup= 3,5 Potato, sweet 18
Yogurt, low-fat 1 cup= 4 Pumpkin 19
Yogurt with sugar 1 cup= 8 Radishes 8
Food item c.u per portion Sauerkraut 8
Mixed Dishes Spinach 4
Cheeseburger 1 medium= 17 Squash, summer 5
Cheeseburger, 1/4 lb. 1= 18 Squash, winter 8
Chili con carne 1 cup= 28 Tomato 4
Egg muffin sandwich 1 medium= 12 Turnips 5
Fish filet sandwich 1 medium= 14 Turnip greens 7
Hamburger 1 medium= 17 Artichoke 6
Hamburger, 1/4 lb. 1= 17 Asparagus 6
Pasta & meatballs 1 cup= 5 Food item c.u per 100gr
Pizza, cheese 1/8 of 15" pie= 13 Cereals, Grains
Quiche Lorraine 1/8 of 8" dish= 16 Bagel 56
Roast beef sandwich 1 medium= 9 Barley 25
Soup, chicken noodle 1 cup= 7 Biscuit 60
Soup, clam chowder 1 cup= 8 Bran flakes 51
Soup, cream of tomato 1 cup= 8 Bread crumbs 40
Soup, vegetable beef 1 cup= 7 Bread, French 29
Taco 1 medium= 12 Bread, Italian 31
Food item c.u per portion Bread, pumpernickel 39
Fats, Dressings Bread, rye 34
Butter, regular 1 tablespoon= 3 Bread, whole wheat 38
Butter, whipped 1 tablespoon= 2,5 Bread, white 51
Catsup 1 tablespoon= 5 Corn flakes 32
Dressing, 1000 Island 1 tablespoon= 3 Corn grits 31
Dressing, French 1 tablespoon= 2 Croutons 29
Dressing, Italian 1 tablespoon= 2 Farina 37
Dressing, low-calorie 1 tablespoon= 4 French toast 27
Hollandaise sauce 1 cup= 5 Granola 28
Margarine, regular 1 tablespoon= 3 Melba toast 21
Margarine, whipped 1 tablespoon= 0 Muffin, bran 24
Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon= 2 Muffin, corn 29
Mustard 1 teaspoon= 5 Muffin, English 23
Vegetable shortening 1 tablespoon= 3 Oatmeal cooked 19
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon= 1 Pancake 26
Food item c.u per 100g Pasta, cooked 12
Legumes, Nuts Popcorn 34
Almonds 11 Rice cake 46
Beans, lima 24 Rice, white, cooked 47
Beans, navy 21 Rice, brown 39
Beans, kidney 22 Rice, wild 39
Brazil nut, shelled 15 Roll, hamburger 12
Cashews, raw 14 Roll, hot dog 12
Chestnuts, shelled 11 Roll, onion 16
Chickpeas 12 Wheat, cream of 25
Coconut, shelled 20 Wheat germ 32
Coconut, dried 56 Food item c.u per portion
Filberts, shelled 15 Beverages
Lentils 18 Juice apple 12 ounces = 24
Peanuts, shelled 8,5 Juice apricot 12 ounces = 28
Peanut butter 23 Juice orange 12 ounces = 25
Peas, raw 8 Juice tomato 12 ounces = 7
Pine nuts 7 Stewed fruit apple 12 ounces = 31
Pistachios, shelled 15 Stewed fruit pear 12 ounces = 25
Pumpkin seeds 17 Stewed fruit cherry 12 ounces = 24
Sesame seeds, hulled 20 Stewed fruit apricot 12 ounces = 28
Sesame butter 23 Cola 12 ounces = 14
Soybeans 10 Cocoa 8 ounces = 10
Sprouts, alfalfa 12 Coffee, black and tea without sugar 6 ounces = 0
Sunflower seeds 12 Mineral aqua 12 ounces = 0
Walnut pieces 17 Food item c.u per portion
Food item c.u per 100g Strong drinks
Sweets, Desserts Wine, dry 4 ounces= 1
Cake, angel food 46 Wine, sweet 4 ounces= 3
Cake, cheese 29 Vodka 4 ounces= 0
Cake, chocolate 52 Brandy 4 ounces= 0
Cake, strawberry short 50 Whisky 4 ounces= 0
Candy, chocolate 54 Beer 12 ounces= 12
Cookie, chocolate chip 56
Donut, plain 48
Ice cream, vanilla 20
Honey 75
Frozen yogurt 19
Jam 68
Pie, fruit-filled 57
Pie, lemon meringue 58
Pie, pecan 56
Pudding, chocolate 53
Pudding, custard 52
Sugar 99
Syrup, chocolate 84
Syrup, corn/maple 82

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